Glybovets, MykolaHlomozda, Dmytro2010-04-232010-04-232008Glibovets N. Complexity of the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaboration / N. N. Glibovets, D. K.Hlomozda // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. - 2008. - Vol. 44, Nr. 4. - S. 477-481. problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaboration is considered. This problem is demonstrated to be similar to the agent verification problem. It is proved that the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism is co-complete.encoordinationPetri netcomputational complexityprogram agentComplexity of the problem of verifying the coordination mechanism in a system of software support of network collaborationArticle