Кислий, Мартін-Олександр2018-12-062018-12-062018Кислий М.-О. О. Наративи Великого Голоду: погляд з обох боків Перекопу / Кислий М.-О. О. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Історичні науки. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 73-86.2617-3417https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14872https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-3417.2018.73-86Після анексії Кримського півострова стало очевидним, що Крим не був і не є вписаним в український історичний наратив. Так само тема Голодомору, яка посідає важливе місце в українській історіографії, обмежена територіально. З огляду на відсутність досліджень, присвячених подіям 1932–1933 рр. на території Криму, в статті розглянуто можливість існування голоду на цих теренах та на матеріалах спогадів висвітлено міграції населення з материкової частини України до Криму під час голоду 1932–1933 рр. Також запропоноване дослідження має справу з пам'яттю кримських татар про Голодомор.After the annexation of Crimea, it has become obvious that the peninsula was and, to some degree, still remains a terra incognita for Ukrainian society, while the history of Crimean Tatars has never been integrated into Ukrainian national historical narrative. Indeed, research on the Holodomor topic, which occupies an important place in modern Ukrainian historiography, is traditionally limited to the borders of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic as the part of the USSR during the Great Famine of 1932–1933. Nevertheless, we can make an assumption that the local population also suffered from hunger during 1932–1933, according to fieldwork conducted in Crimea among Crimean Tatars and due to the official documents and other sources. The extent of famine in Crimea, according to the evidence, ranged from the hunger that “was not as severe as in Ukraine” to “people were starving and dying from hunger” and cannot be estimated. It should be mentioned that that situation varied from region to region. For example, in the northern part of the Crimean Peninsula, which is mainly the steppe, people were starving more than in the seacoast, where a plenty of fish helped them to survive. Relying on the available sources, it is difficult to argue what caused the famine in Crimea and how it correlates with “terror by hunger” on the territory of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. At the same time, it can be said for sure that Crimean Peninsula had close ties with “mainland” during the years of hunger. According to the evidence recorded on both sides of the isthmus of Perekop, population of mainland was trying to escape from the famine and to save themselves in Crimea. Moreover, another reason for escaping to Crimea was labor migration, traditionally widespread in the southern part of mainland among local population. Furthermore, the proposed paper deals with the Crimean Tatars’ memory of Holodomor and its place among other hungers they suffered from.ukКримголодміграціїкримські татариГолодомор 1932-1933 рр.статтяCrimeafaminemigrationsCrimean TatarsGreat FamineHolodomorНаративи Великого Голоду: погляд з обох боків ПерекопуNarratives of the Great Famine: A View from Both Sides of the Isthmus of PerekopArticle