Залізняк, Леонід2023-04-142023-04-142021Залізняк Л. Л. Батьківщина індоєвропейських скотарів євразійського степу за даними археології / Залізняк Л. Л. // Кам'яна доба України. - 2021. - Вип. 21. До 70-річчя Л. Л. Залізняка. - С. 225-248.2519-2043https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25030The problem of the homeland of the ancient pastoralists of the Eurasian steppe is closely connected with the birth of the Indo-European family of peoples. Despite its importance, the region from which in the V–III millennium BC the oldest Indo-European pastoralists settled in the boundless Eurasian steppes is not definitively determined today. Archaeological evidence suggests, the decisive role of the Pontic steppes in the emergence of livestock and the formation of a mobile lifestyle of the steppes of Eurasia. We have good reason to say that the origin of the oldest pastoral societies of the Eurasian steppe took place in the steppes and forest-steppes of the Black Sea and Аzov Sea regions in the V–III millennium BC. From the south of Ukraine, early IE Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age pastoralists (Mariupol, Seredniy Stig and Yamna cultures) settled in the steppes to the west in Budzhak, Dobrudzha, Pannonia, and east direction to the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and further through the Kazakh steppes to the Altai, and even more further to Iran and the Indus Basin (Fig. 14). It was from the Pontic steppes that the colonization of the boundless Eurasian steppes by the ancient pastoralists began, which at that time were practically uninhabited, except for a small group of Neolithic hunters and fishermen who hunted and fished in the floodplains of steppe rivers. Invented in the Black Sea and Аzov Sea regions extremely productive livestock, based on grazing cows, sheep, goats, and later horses, allowed in a short time to colonize not only the Eurasian steppes, but also the surrounding areas of the continent. During the pastoral colonization, pastoralists from the south of Ukraine spread their IE language and culture over vast areas of Europe and Western Asia, thus starting the Indo-European family of nations (Zaliznyak 2005). The Pontic steppe played an important role in the formation of the second, highest stage of development of pastoral societies in the steppes of Eurasia — nomadism. This was due to the spread of the domestic horse, the ancestor of which was the European tarpan, domesticated by yamniks in the steppes and forest-steppes of the Black Sea and Аzov Sea regions. Thus, the oldest pastoral form of cattle breeding, as a driving force for the settlement of Indo-Europeans, was apparently born in the Azov-Black Sea steppes in the V–IV millennium BC, and hence spread its first carriers throughout the Eurasian steppe, including through Volga and Trans-Urals in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Altai. The leading role in the formation of the oldest IE pastoralists of the Eurasian steppe was played by genetically related steppe cultures of the Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age of the Northern Black Sea Coast — Mariupol, numerous cultural groups of the Seredniy Stig and Yamna culture.Автор статті наводить аргументи на користь зародження скотарства за доби енеоліту в степах та лісостепах півдня України, звідки почалася скотарська колонізація Великого євразійського степу. Археологічним відповідником найдавніших скотарів Великого степу є степовий енеоліт Надчорномор’я — маріупольська та середньостогівська спільноти, а також ямна культура ранньої бронзи.ukскотарііндоєвропейціПівнічне Надчорномор’ястеповий енеолітмаріупольська ямна культурасередньостогівська ямна культурастаттяpastoralistsIndo-EuropeansNorth Black Sea regionsteppe EneolithicMariupol Yamna cultureSeredniy Stig Yamna cultureБатьківщина індоєвропейських скотарів євразійського степу за даними археологіїHomeland of Indo-European pastoralists of the Eurasian steppe according to archeological dataArticle