Artomova, TetianaOstapenko, TetianaBritchenko, Igor2024-08-292024-08-292023Artomova T. Determining the impact of global-local transformations of property on the formation of nanoeconomics / Tеtiana Artomova, Tetiana Ostapenko, Igor Britchenko // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2023. - Vol. 2 (13 (122)). - P. 73-84. - object of research is the relationship between the processes of formation of the information-network society and the global-local transformation of property relations at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. The problem has been identified that the limitations of theoretical approaches to explain the content and interrelation of property relations and the social meaning of high-tech development have led to an increase in general socio-economic instability. To solve the problem, the definition of the institution of property as an economic good is provided. A three-level traditional model of public management has been highlighted. It is shown that the existing triple structure of the public sector of economy should acquire a different value content. The new model in the dynamic unity of markets of pure public benefits, public goods, private goods harmonizes public interests, strengthens relations of trust. This model forms the foundations for the formation of nanoeconomics in a broad sense as the forerunner of harmonious institutional architectonics of the economy. Nanoeconomics, as part of baby economics, human economics, and economics of nanotechnology, is based on the principles of rational behavior in making economic decisions within the limits of power. In the depths of baby economics, skills and competencies are formed in handling property. The human economy ensures the proper implementation of property functions. Within the experimental part of the study, a mathematical model of multifactor regression is constructed. The model confirmed the presence of dense dependence (0.9076) of the growth of GDP per capita on the state of distribution of property rights in the national economy. The area of practical use of the results is the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine's economy through the activation of its domestic business potential.enarchitecture of the economychildren's economymultivariate regression modelpost-war reconstruction of Ukraine's economyarticleDetermining the impact of global-local transformations of property on the formation of nanoeconomicsArticle