Zhalilo, Yaroslav2018-05-212018-05-212017Zhalilo Yaroslav. DCFTA: a starting gear for structural changes in Ukraine's trade relations with the EU / [Yaroslav Zhalilo] // Integration without Membership : Potential and limits of Ukraine's Association with the EU / Alexander Duleba [et al.]. - Bratislava, 2017. - Part 2.1. - P. 79-93.978-80-89540-68-3https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13014Section 2.1 of the book "Integration without Membership : Potential and limits of Ukraine's Association with the EU".enEUFree trade zonebook chapterEurointegrationDCFTA: a starting gear for structural changes in Ukraine's trade relations with the EUУгода про асоціацію як інституційний чинник структурних змін торговельних відносин України та ЄСBook chapter