Шалагінов, Борис2014-11-042014-11-042013Шалагінов Б. Б. "Μίμησις-наслідування -мімесис": поняття і термін у добу модерн / [electronic resource] Борис Шалагінов // Питання літературознавства. - 2013. - № 88. - С. 117-126.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3356Простежується розвиток поняття "мімесис" в докантівську, модерну і післямодерну добу з урахуванням історичних змін у розумінні поняття "природа" як оточення (реальність) і "людська природа".Преслеживается развитие понятия "мимесис" в докантовскую, модерную и пастмодерную зпоху с учетом исторических изменений в понимании понятия "природа" как окружение (реальность) и "человеческая природа".Using the concept "mimesis" every historical period added something new to it, reinterpreted it until it paradoxically departed from its original semantic variant associated with the names of Plato and Aristotle. It is stated that the European aesthetics of the Modem period was enriched rather bу "moderruzed" than authentic understanding of this concept. The so-called Roman classicism becomes the first stage of the receptivc understanding of Plato and Aristotle's concept. Then the this classicism is followed bу the classicism of thc XVII century and the classicism of the XVIII century, then goes Romanticism of XVIII-XIX centuries, and finally its new history is made in the ХІХ and ХХ centuries. Provided in the article guide marks show that "mimesis", "imitation", search for stable terminological basis for our intellectual, aesthetic and practical work is а contradictory and ambiguous process that requires consideration of many factors. The development of the concept "mimesis" in pre-Kantian, modem and postmodem periods as well as historical changes in the meaning of the very concept "nature" as environment (reality) and "human nature" is traced. Kant's "transcendental idealism" became the basis of the new philosophy of nature. It became а basis for the romantic authors who actually only extended and specified the ideas that developed bу Kant in the field of epistemology, and bу Goethe in the realm of aesthetics. Transformation of the romantic idea about the inner human nature that changed the content of the concept "mimesis" is linked in the article with the name of S. Freud and his followers.ukмімесисрецепція поняттяприроданімецький романтизмМодернфройдизмміфстильстаттямимесисрецепция понятияприроданемецкий романтизмМодернфройдизммифстильстатьяmimesisreception of the conceptnatureGerman RomanticismМоdernFreudianismmythstylearticle"Μίμησις-наслідування - мімесис": поняття і термін у добу модерн"Μίμησις-подражание - мимесис": понятие и термин в эпоху модерн"Μίμησις-imitation - mimesys": concept and term in the age of modernArticle