Shkelebei, VictoriaYatsyk, Tetiana2020-09-012020-09-012020111 article analyses the legal regulation of the status of attesting witness in criminal proceedings. Proposals were made to address issues of fixing of the rights and obligations of witnesses in criminal proceedings. The author’s definition of attesting witness in criminal proceedings is provided, which means an adult capable person who is involved by a prosecutor and an investigator in the conduct of investigative (search) actions, whose duties are to monitor the procedure for carrying out such actions, as well as to assist the investigator in his or her requests for such actions. It is proposed to supplement the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine with article 72-2 "Rights of the attesting witness" and article 72-3 "Obligations of the attesting witness", which clearly provide for an exhaustive list of rights and obligations of the attesting witnesses, this will avoid in practice the involvement of inappropriate persons as the attesting witnesses.enattesting witnesswitnesscriminal proceedingsrights and obligations of the attesting witnessinvestigatorprosecutorarticleпонятісвідоккримінальне провадженняправа та обов’язки понятогослідчийпрокурорProcedural procedure for obtaining witness status by persons engaged as attesting witnessesПроцесуальний порядок отримання статусу свідка особами, залученими як понятіArticle