Antonovych, Myroslava2023-11-232023-11-232023Antonovych M. The Holodomor-Genocide and the Ongoing Russian Genocide in Ukraine: Intent, Victims and Perpetrators / Myroslava Antonovych // Saar Expert Papers. - 2023. - No 2. - 7 p. - my short article I will briefly compare two genocides committed against the Ukrainians within the period of one hundred years: the Holodomor in the first half of 20th century and the ongoing Russian genocide against the Ukrainian nation. These two genocides were committed by the same perpetrator – the Russian empire, which was called the USSR in the previous century and is called Russian Federation now. Whatever the name might be, it remains the same perpetrator – the Russian empire.engenocideHolodomor in the first half of 20th centuryRussian genocide against the Ukrainian nationRussian FederationGenocide ConventionUkrainian nationarticleThe Holodomor-Genocide and the Ongoing Russian Genocide in Ukraine: Intent, Victims and PerpetratorsArticle