Solovey, Galyna2021-07-192021-07-192020Solovey G. S. Practices and Challenges of Government Scholarship for Foreign Students Programs in European Union, Russia, and China: Comparative Analysis and Lessons for Ukraine / Galyna Solovey // Scientific Journal of Polonia University. - 2020. - Vol. 38, nr. 1-2. - P. 214-224. - Ukrainian governmental scholarship program for foreign students needs to be redesigned. Now Ukrainian scholarship program is not fulfill its main public diplomacy purpose, has problems with efficiency of budget allocation, and uses outdated selection pro-cess and ineffective administration. Potential candidates for Ukrainian scholarship program can also participate in the scholarship programs proposed by European Union, Russian Fed-eration and Republic of China among others. Purposes, designs and administration of men-tioned above three different scholarship programs for foreign students are analyzed using comparative method and official data from Ministries of education and international orga-nizations. The main findings of this research could be recommendations for Ukrainian pol-icy makers. 1) To separate scholarship programs for ethnic Ukrainians and foreign students; 2) to include but not to be limited by bilateral agreements in providing scholarships for foreign students; 3) to allocate budget for the scholarship program, not based by bilateral agreements; 4) to introduce non-degree scholarship programs, and 5) to incorporate international students into Ukrainian students’ body.enscholarship programinternationalization of higher educationstudents’ mobilitypublic diplomacytalent attractionarticlePractices and Challenges of Government Scholarship for Foreign Students Programs in European Union, Russia, and China: Comparative Analysis and Lessons for UkraineArticle