Gabovich, AlexanderKuznetsov, Volodymyr2024-02-232024-02-232022Gabovich A. The interplay of external and internal semiotics of domain-specific scientific theories / Alexander Gabovich, Volodymyr Kuznetsov // The fourth conference of the East European Network for Philosophy of Science : EENPS 2022 : book of abstracts, University of Tartu. Tartu, Estonia, August 17-19, 2022 / [program committee: Sorin Bangu, Vlasta Sikimić et al.]. - [Tartu, Estonia : University of Tartu, 2022]. - P. 48-49. suppose that those who are reading this contribution are familiar with the traditional reconstruction of domain-specific scientific theories (DSSTs) as logically ordered and static systems of statements about their domains. The latter split into separate realities with their attributes. However, any DSST (e.g., celestial mechanics, theories of superconductivity, theories of elementary particles) is an ever-improving tool for acquiring new knowledge. It means that a more realistic reconstruction is a varied polysystem. Its interacting and changing subsystems (SS) perform specific functions in the complex process of obtaining and testing the new knowledge. According to the modified structure-nominative reconstruction, there are many SSs in DSSTs [2019; 2021].enDSSTssubsystems (SS)modified structure-nominative reconstructioncomponents of the model SSdomainconference abstractsThe interplay of external and internal semiotics of domain-specific scientific theoriesConference materials