Шпонько, Данило2024-04-012024-04-012024Шпонько Д. М. Стрес та способи його регуляції / Шпонько Д. М. // Психолого-педагогічний практикум : [методичний посібник] / Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дірект Лайн, 2024. - Ч. 5. - С. [147-154].https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28510Stress is an essential term for healthcare and well-being. The original concept of GAS (general adaptation syndrome) is mostly associated with neurological and endocrine systems. Though throughout the history of medical research, the term itself and its use was broadened: now this concept describes processes of desadaptation on microbiological to social levels. Among those different levels of human functioning, we can distinguish psychological one. Psychological stress or distress appears as both an independent reason for a number of different psychological disorders and a comorbid state of various malfunctioning. So how can human beings withstand psychological distress? Which methods are more effective to control and regulate it? And are there any mechanisms of the human psyche that can help us to act efficiently in adverse conditions? These questions will become even more important if we take into account the interconnections between social, psychological, and physiological. Individual ability to adapt effectively to any kind of psychological distress may have positive consequences for social and physiological functioning.Розділ методичного посібника "Психолого-педагогічний практикум", Ч. 5, 2024.ukстресдистресадаптаційний синдромкопінг-стратегіїрезильєнтністьподоланнярозділ методичного посібникаstressdistressgeneral adaptation syndromecoping strategiesresiliencestress managementСтрес та способи його регуляціїStress and methods of its regulationLearning Object