Khrapkina, ValentynaMatukova, HannaHurman, OlenaKorovina, OlenaTsymbalyuk, Yuriy2025-02-112025-02-112024Innovative Inclusion of Brand Management of Food Enterprises in the Conditions of World Price Volatility / Valentyna V. Khrapkina, Hanna I. Matukova, Olena M. Hurman, Olena V. Korovina, Yuriy A. Tsymbalyuk // Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society. - 2024. - Vol. 12, No. 1. - P. 51-66. - article substantiates the determinants of innovative inclusion of brand management of food enterprises on the basis of a benchmarking approach, which allows managing the capitalization of entities, assessing the sensitivity of brand capital to the volatility of domestic and global market prices. The method of comprehensive evaluation is presented and the classifier of the integral of objects of the internal and external environment of effective use of brand capital of food enterprises is developed. It has been proven that the economic effect of innovative activities of food enterprises is the main internal source of growth in their market value, provided that the negative market factors of the external environment are levelled. The model of the integration of brand capital into the general capitalization management system of the food enterprises is given. The rate of growth of capital investment in innovation is analyzed and the structure of financing inclusiveness of brand capital (intangible assets) of food enterprises of the Ukraine is determined. The global supply balance of the main groups of products to exporting countries and the level of volatility of world prices according to the FAO’s food index are presented. Calculated correlation dependence of profit on interest futures spot contracts (USDC) of food enterprises on a set of variable indicators. The forecast value of capitalization (market value) of food enterprises of the Ukraine was determined due to the annual increase in the value of brand capital.en-USbrand equity managementcompetitivenessmarketing strategyglobal food marketprice situationarticleInnovative Inclusion of Brand Management of Food Enterprises in the Conditions of World Price VolatilityArticle