Курінний, Олексій2017-11-172017-11-172016Курінний Олексій Вікторович. Українська спільнота Північного Кавказу як об'єкт Голодомору 1932-1933 років / Олексій Курінний // Голодомор 1932-1933 років в Україні як злочин геноциду згідно з міжнародним правом. - 2016. - С. 161-172.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12245Зібрані й вивчені впродовж багатьох років архівні документи й матеріали свідчать про застосування в СРСР щодо українців комбінації злочинних дій із метою знищення значної частини спільноти та асиміляції. Комуністичний режим у СРСР не мав наміру (з міркувань економічної доцільності) фізично знищити всіх українців Кубані - він планував виморити голодом найактивнішу їх частину і зросійщити решту з метою руйнації їхньої спільноти й остаточного вирішення українського питання Кубані та Північного Кавказу.This study is dedicated to the problem of recognizing the famine in the Northern Caucasus in 1932-1933 as an act of deliberate genocide against the Ukrainian community in a certain region. According to ethnographic and linguistic research, surveys, and census data, the Kuban region was predominantly Ukrainian from the end of 17th century through 1937. Moreover, the ethnic Ukrainian population of the region was politically active and well-organized, and therefore mobilized not only towards the fulfillment of its cultural, educational and linguistic interests, but also towards the realization of its right to self-determination by reunification with Ukrainian state both in its national (1917-1919) and Soviet (1920th-1932) forms. The permanent character of such ethno-cultural claims and political intentions, as well as the rapid renaissance and development of Ukrainian minority in Northern Caucasus, were the reasons for the Soviet government's attempt to resolve the "Ukrainian question" in Russia in an unprecedentedly violent and criminal way, organizing the genocide as a complex combination of destructive actions (organized famine, mass deportation and repressions against the cultural elite) directed predominantly against the Ukrainian community of Kuban and Northern Caucasus even more distinctly than in Soviet Ukraine. The crime of genocide was followed by illegal efforts to commit "lingvocide" and to annihilate the Ukrainian indigenous culture of the Northern Caucasus, especially in Kuban. Actions included prohibiting the usage of Ukrainian language in public, banning it from literature and educational spheres as well as in common life, to renaming the traditional village toponyms, and even to large scale book-burnings of Ukrainian literature from nearby libraries in the spring of 1933. The evidence of these crimes against humanity, described in this research, illustrates the intentions of the governments of the USSR and Soviet Russia to destroy or disorganize the Ukrainian Northern Caucasus irredentist community as the subject of collective human rights, including the right to self-determination up to secession from Soviet Russia. The final part of the study puts a special emphasis on the modern Russian public (scientific and cultural) effort to falsify the history of Kuban and the Northern Caucasus, by keeping silent about the Ukrainian colonization of Kuban and the numerical domination of ethnic Ukrainians (both Cossacks and peasants) in the region for over a century and a half.ukГолодоморгеноцидСРСРКубаньПівнічний КавказУкраїнська спільнота Північного Кавказу як об'єкт Голодомору 1932-1933 років: [розділ монографії]Book chapter