Ignatieva, IrynaSerbenivska, AlinaKucherenko, Diana2023-04-112023-04-112022Ignatieva I. A. Benchmarking in the system of regional development strategy / Irina Ignatieva, Alina Serbenivska, Diana Kucherenko // Modern Science - Moderní věda. - 2022. - № 2. - P. 5-15.2336-498Xhttps://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24980The development of effective strategic decisions on the territorial development today requires new approaches and tools of strategic management. It is the benchmarking tools related to the search and implementation of best management practices in regional governance regarding territorial development that make it possible to solve problems more effectively and set development priorities. Achieving a high standard of living and sustainable regional development are the most important priorities of the community. The tools of benchmarking in the activities of united territorial communities, where the active community adopts experience and gained practice, and sometimes financial assistance from international institutions in order to implement their projects, are of particular relevance. Benchmarking is a tool for improving best activities and practices using the best experience in a specific field. The main aim of the study is to highlight the methodological principles of benchmarking in the analysis and formation of strategic directions of regions and to find a methodological tool that would identify the model-region as an example of best practice in a particular area of territorial strategic development. The study was based on the use of: method of comparison, generalization - to clarify and formalize the essence of the concept, correlation and regression analysis - to build multifactor regression models, to determine the model-territory for basic comparisons of different territories on key indicators, territory clusterization; graphoanalytical method - to provide clarity of the material and schematic representation of a number of theoretical and practical provisions of the study. Methods of computer processing, analysis and display of information using Microsoft Excel, STATISTICA were used for complex analysis. The information base includes statistical materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, official publications of international organizations, expert assessments of rating agencies, monographs, basic scientific research of domestic and foreign authors, materials of scientific conferences, domestic and foreign publications, electronic Internet resources, etc.enstrategizingregional developmentleadership potential of the regionbenchmarkingarticleBenchmarking in the system of regional development strategyArticle