Кобченко, Наталія2019-06-062019-06-062018Кобченко Н. В. Становлення теорії синтаксичного зв'язку в українському мовознавстві (ХVІІ - початок ХХ ст.) [електронний ресурс] / Кобченко Н. В. // Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej. - 2018. - Vol. 53. - P. 164-184. - DOI: 10.11649/sfps.2018.0110081-7090https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15862https://doi.org/10.11649/sfps.2018.011У статті розглянуто становлення теорії синтаксичного зв'язку в українському мовознавстві (ХVІІ - початок ХХ ст.). Особлива увага зосереджена на трьох етапах розвитку досліджень синтаксичних зв'язків - з 17-го століття до 1930-х років.In Ukrainian linguistics, there are no historiographical papers offering an adequate description of the origin and development of the syntactic connection theory. Elsewhere, I have already proposed a periodization of the research on syntactic connections from the time of the appearance of first Slavic grammars until today, which distinguishes five historical stages. The purpose of this analysis is to characterize particularly the first three periods of the development of research on syntactic connections – from the 17th century until the 1930s. The first stage (17th–18th centuries) is the beginning of the syntactic connection theory. The syntactic chapters in the grammars of this period deal with studying the ability of some parts of speech to combine with other words. The second stage (19th century) is the period of approval of terminology and formation of the ground for deepening the syntactic connection theory. All scholars of the period defined two possible realizations of the syntactic connection – agreement and government. The third stage (the beginning of the 20th century until the 1930s) was the period in which the morphological criterion prevailed. The typical symptom of this observed in the period is consideration of syntactic connections between pairs of words in isolation from the rest of the sentence components. The crucial research perspective opened up by the study is to explain in detail the development of research on syntactic connections from the 1940s until today.ukсинтаксичний зв’язокграматикаісторія синтаксисуперіодизаціястаттяsyntactic connectiongrammarhistory of syntaxperiodizationСтановлення теорії синтаксичного зв'язку в українському мовознавстві (ХVІІ - початок ХХ ст.)Formation of the syntactic connection theory in the Ukrainian linguistics (17th - early 20th century)Article