Лоrуш, ЛюбовГороднюк, Ольга2021-09-122021-09-122021https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20830The objective of this work is to analyse the notion of asymmetric and multi-tier dispute resolution clauses from the theoretical point of view, as well as from the point of case-law in both civil law and common law jurisdictions, define the risks of incorporation of such clauses into commercial contracts, and specifics of their legal understanding in terms of validity, enforceability and/or binding nature.enlegal analysispre-arbitrationjurisdictionmediationmulti-tier disputeasymmetric dispute resolution clausescase-lawmaster thesisПравовий аналіз багаторівневих та асиметричних застережень про вирішення спорів у міжнародному комерційному арбітражі: теоретичні та практичні питанняLegal analysis of multi-tiered and asyмmetric dispute resolution clauses in international commercial arвitration: theoretical and practical issuesOther