Kvit, Serhii2009-10-092009-10-092008Kvit S. Saint Augustine’s Hermeneutical Universalism / Sergiy Kvit // Logos. - 2008. - Vol. 49, No. 3–4. - P. 279–285.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/312The assertion that philosophical hermeneutics are universal in meaning requires further interpretation not only in the theoretical realm, but also from a practical point of view. That is why attention focused on Saint Augustine’s writings may help clarify many important theses. I propose to look at Augustine as the founder of philosophical hermeneutics whose ancient works nonetheless suggest answers to modern challenges in the search for all-important human and global mutual understanding.enАвґустинфілософіягерменевтичний універсалізмAugustinephilosophyhermeneutical universalismSaint Augustine's Hermeneutical UniversalismArticle