Тома, Наталія2016-08-232016-08-232016Тома Наталія Михайлівна, Лексична ідентифікація семантичної групи "Риси характеру людини» в мові творів Петра Могили" / Тома Н. М. // Магістеріум. - 2016. - Вип. 62 : Мовознавчі студії. - С. 82-88.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9329The article discusses abstract lexemes which denote the character traits of a person and are the most often used in Petro Mohyla’s written works. Semantics of abstract lexemes is explored, рeculiarities of their lexical and semantic differentiation are clarified. The meanings of these lexemes at the times of Petro Mohyla and their contemporary meanings are analyzed. Within the lexical-semantic group of the character traits of a person, the words to describe positive and negative traits of people, their habits, inclinations, internal qualities, and the associated action states are recorded. The common semantic feature that unites all units of this lexical-semantic group is a sign of individual, distinct mental property rights that determine a course of conduct, behavior, lifestyle of every individual. Five microgroups in the lexical-semantic microfield are investigated: “Kindness”, “Patience”, “Anger”, “Pride”, “Wiliness”. Special attention is paid to those words which are the most frequently used in Petro Mohyla’s works. Linguistic analysis of original works of such an extraordinary figure as Petro Mohyla promotes the systematization of our knowledge about the lexical composition of the Ukrainian language of that period, evolution and functioning of abstract words. The usage of abstract vocabulary that characterizes a person’s character traits, allows to express varied views of people and confirm the high level of evolution of the Ukrainian culture of the first half of the 17th century, when church preaching and scientific activity originated. Abstract vocabulary of the literary language of that period is actively functioning today. Semantic structure analysis of abstract lexical units that are used in semantic group of a person’s character traits promotes a deeper understanding of peculiarities of the cultural life of the Ukrainian nation and gives the opportunity to follow the laws of language evolution and specifics of abstract concepts verbalization.У статті досліджено абстрактні лексеми на позначення рис характеру людини, які є найбільш уживаними у творчості Петра Могили. Проаналізовано значення лексем за часів Петра Могили та їхнє сучасне потрактування.ukПетро Могилаабстрактна лексикалексика на позначення рис характеру людинисемантикастароукраїнська мова першої половини XVII ст.Petro Mohylaabstract vocabularyЛексична ідентифікація семантичної групи "Риси характеру людини» в мові творів Петра Могили"Lexical identification of semantic group “Character traits of a person ” in the language of Petro Mohyla’s worksArticle