Kyselova, Tatiana2020-08-212020-08-212019Kyselova T. S. Mapping Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Ukraine : Peacebuilding by Any Other Name / Tatiana Kyselova ; Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative, Mediation and Dialogue Research Center, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. - Geneva ; Kyiv : [s. n.], 2019. - 47 p. report was prepared by the Mediation and Dialogue Research Center, Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Ukraine at the request of the Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI), Geneva, as part of its Impact Local Peace project (2018-2019). The purpose of the mapping was to provide contextual knowledge and form a basis for reflection and exchange with local partners and stakeholders.enpeaceconflicthuman rightsreportMapping Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Ukraine : Peacebuilding by Any Other NameReport