Sigov, Konstantin2012-11-292012-11-292006Sigov K. Averintsev’s Archipelago: towards Understanding the Era of Post-Atheism / Konstantin Sigov // Studies in East European Thought. - 2006. – Vol.58 , Issue 2. - P. 85-93. on MacIntyre’s encyclopaedia–genealogy–tradition typology of the humanities, the author describes Averintsev’s project as bringing together the elements of encyclopaedia and tradition. The article identifies three forms of isolationism which are evident not only in ‘postatheistic’ societies but more widely, and comments on Averintev’s treatment of these.enАверинцев СергійAverintsev SergejфілософіярелігіяphilosophyreligionСофіяSophiaAverintsev’s Archipelago: towards Understanding the Era of Post-AtheismArticle