Сущенко, Володимир2016-11-232016-11-232016Сущенко В. М. Європейські та міжнародні стандарти правничої професії в контексті функціонування правової системи України / Сущенко В. М. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Юридичні науки. - 2016. - Т. 181. - С. 22-25.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9893This paper analyzes the current legal framework of documents that regulate legal activities, emphasizing the role of European and international standards of the legal profession in the context of the functioning of the legal system in Ukraine. It is noted that the law profession is playing a leading role in terms of developing conceptual foundations of the system and from the perspective of its functions in the practice in the structure of the legal system of any state. Lawyers are leading specialists and experts in drafting laws and other legal acts. Representatives of the legal profession hold the majority of positions in state bodies as courts, prosecution, administration of justice, agencies for internal affairs, security, customs, fiscal authorities, and others. The lawyers’ significant role in the legal departments of ministries, agencies, local authorities, enterprises, institutions, and organizations is providing the legal order of their activities. Therefore, the level of development and implementation of standards of the legal profession in society and the state is overestimated. The standards of the legal profession to be met by the activities of practitioners in countries belonging to the two major legal families (system) of the world (Roman-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon) are stated in several documents of international professional Legal organizations and with the status of the Rules of Conduct (behavior), and in documents of some international legal institutions and political organizations, which have an advisory-obligatory (relative-legal) nature to their members and participants. The paper proposes specific measures of improving the professional responsibility of lawyers. Despite the fact that recently new legislation on regulations of public service, prosecutors, police, judiciary, and the new anti-corruption legislation have been adopted in Ukraine, in which a more detailed reasons and conditions of professional ethics and responsibility are written, including the notion of "conflict interest", there is a need to review previous experience in this area and to develop a new version of the rules of professional conduct for all categories of lawyers.У статті проаналізовано чинну нормативно-правову базу документів, що регулюють правничу діяльність, а також підкреслено роль європейських і міжнародних стандартів правничої професії в контексті функціонування правової системи України. Запропоновано конкретні заходи щодо підвищення рівня професійної відповідальності правників.ukдеонтологічний кодекспрофесійна етикаправнича професіяпріоритет міжнародного правастандарти професійної правничої діяльностіnational and international law relationпрофесійна відповідальність правникаюридична освітастаттяdeontology codeprofessional ethicslegal professionlegal standards of professional activityprofessional responsibility of a lawyerlegal educationЄвропейські та міжнародні стандарти правничої професії в контексті функціонування правової системи УкраїниEuropean and International Standards of the Legal Profession in the Legal System of UkraineArticle