Stampfer, Shaul2019-02-252019-02-252015Stampfer Sh. Jewish Population Losses in the Course of the Khmelnytsky Uprising / Shaul Stampfer // Judaica Ukrainica : Annual Journal of Jewish Studies. - 2015. - Vol. 4. - P. 36-52.2305-40342305-5278 2003, I published a study on the population losses of the Jewish population of Ukrainian lands during the Khmelnytsky Uprising. Since that time, many additional sources relevant to the topic have been brought to my attention. To the best of my knowledge, none contradict my thesis and many strengthen my claims. I hope to systematically reexamine these sources in the future and to incorporate them into my thesis. In addition, a number of researchers have dealt with some of the issues I raised and some of their points should be discussed and responded to. In this essay, I would like to reformulate more clearly what I claimed in my original article while relying on the many sources that I used at that time. I also want to address some of the responses to my thesis...enKhmelnytsky UprisingJewshistorypopulationsourcessufferingarticleJewish Population Losses in the Course of the Khmelnytsky UprisingArticle