Banchuk, OleksandrDenysenko, DenysZadoya, KostiantynKorynevych, AntonMatviychuk, OleksandraMoroz, LianaNovykov, ValeriiPavlichenko, OleksandrRybak, ValeriiaKhavroniuk, MykolaKuibida, RomanHalabala, MarkiianBondarenko, Olena2025-01-062025-01-062018Justice in Eastern Ukraine during the military aggression of the Russian Federation : research report: "Capacity of the judiciary system to ensure justice in the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine", 2016-2017 / [Oleksandr Banchuk, Markiyan Halabala, Denys Denysenko, Kostiantyn Zadoya, Anton Korynevych, Roman Kuibida, Oleksandra Matviychuk, Liana Moroz, Valerii Novykov, Oleksandr Pavlichenko, Valeriia Rybak, Mykola Khavroniuk ; ed.: Roman Kuibida, Markiyan Halabala ; Engl. transl. Olena Bondarenko]. - Kyiv : [ST-DRUK], 2018. - 323 p. : ill. - Автори зазначені на звороті титульного аркуша.978-966-2717-33-4 armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – RF), led to tens of thousands of casualties, displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, as well as loss of property and business. Ukraine faced a vast layer of problems connected with the need to ensure justice and restore violated rights. War crimes, disappearances and extrajudicial arrests, exchange of prisoners outside of legal procedures, looting, increased pressure on judges from different sides, the challenges in restoring lost case files are only a tip of the iceberg. The scope of these problems has not been assessed yet. How did the armed conflict affect the Ukrainian justice system and its capacity to ensure justice in war? How ready was it for these challenges? Is it capable of coping with these challenges today? Which problems were solved? Which issues need additional attention? Which problems can occur in the future, and what should be done to prevent them? We will try to answer these questions in this publication summarizing two years of work of a group of Ukrainian researchers initiated and supported by the International Renaissance Foundation.enarmed conflictUkrainian justice systemwarRussian FederationUkrainereportJustice in Eastern Ukraine during the military aggression of the Russian Federation : research report: "Capacity of the judiciary system to ensure justice in the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine", 2016-2017Report