Ilchenko, E.Malaschonok, Gennadi2018-07-022018-07-022017Ilchenko E. Efficient Calculation Managing on a Cluster with Distributed Memory / Evgeny Ilchenko, Gennadi Malaschonok // International conference Polynomial Computer Algebra. - Saint-Petersburg, 2017. - P. 56-61. of cluster parallel computations for tree-like recursive algebraic algorithms for the case of cluster with distributed memory is one of the diffcult problems of computer algebra. The block-recursive algorithms of matrix and polynomial multiplication, Strassen's and Karatsuba's algorithms, matrix inversion and computation of the kernel of a matrix operator, LDU and Bruhat factorization are examples of such algorithms. We suggest a scheme with multidispatching for management of such parallel computing processes and demonstrate the results of experiments at the JSC RAS cluster MVS-10P.encomputer algebrablock-recursive matrix algorithmscomputing processesclusterthesispreprintEfficient Calculation Managing on a Cluster with Distributed Memory: [preprint]Preprint