Чадюк, Марія2019-10-022019-10-022019Чадюк М. О. Засоби втілення імпліцитної інформації в новинних заголовках / Марія Чадюк // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2019. - Т. 2. - С. 36-43.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16313У статті проаналізовано значення імпліцитної інформації у новинних заголовках, потенціал її впливу на читача. На прикладі пресупозицій та неконвенційних імплікатур розглянуто основні засоби представлення невербалізованої інформації у реченні. Визначено морфологійні (зокрема досліджено семантичне підґрунтя пресупозиційних дієслів) та синтаксичні засоби. Також звернено увагу на засо­би, зумовлені порушенням принципу кооперації П. Грайса.Background. To understand the semantics of the sentence not only verbalized meanings are important, but also implicit ones. This information is not perceived critically by the recipients. After reaching certain conclusions, they consider them as their own and, therefore, true, that can be used for manipulation. Despite the importance of influencing through informing, this aspect remains unexplored. The purpose of the study is to identify the means in news headlines that fill the semantics of sentences with implicit information, creating presuppositions and nonconventional implicatures. Methods: descriptive, comparative, method of transformation; component, pragmatic analysis. Results. Among the means with presupposition potential are morphological and syntactic ones. Among the morphological – the factual, perfect verbs (their definition contains several actions which are not verbalized, but are conditions for the implementation of the main one). The potential of adjectives is in explanation of the feature through other features-conditions. In ordinal adjectives, the pre­ supposition is created due to the correlation with the position on the scale according to the order. Ad­ verbs often make presuppositions for a predicate, and particles – by establishing a relation. At the syn­ tactic level, there is a curtailment of the proposition to the circumstance or the attributive subordinate clause, which transfer it to the periphery of the sentence; submission of information in the form of an in­ direct question (requested information is presented as a fact). Nonconventional implicatures are caused by violations of the cooperative principle maxims, creating indirect speech acts – hints, ironic state­ ments, etc. Discussion. Implicit information in the sentence can be implemented through morphological, syntactic means; as well as the amount of information provided. The prospects of the study are seen in the further analysis of the means semantic nature which create implicit information and in more detailed classification.ukлінгвістичний впливімпліцитністьпресупозиціїімплікатурипринцип коопераціїстаттяlinguistic influenceimplicitnesspresuppositionnonconventional implicaturescooperative principleЗасоби втілення імпліцитної інформації в новинних заголовкахMeans of implicit information implementation in news headlinesArticle