Копець, Людмила2018-01-112018-01-112017Копець Л. В. Психолог у ситуаціях зворотного зв'язку / Копець Л. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Педагогічні, психологічні науки та соціальна робота. - 2017. - Т. 199. - С. 49-52.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12415У статті розглянуто проблеми професійної діяльності психолога та типологію ситуацій, в яких необхідно доводити до відома учасників зворотний зв’язок (психотерапія, консультування, групова робота, діагностична практика, завершення дослідження); описано особливості таких ситуацій, розкрито закономірності впливу зворотного зв’язку від професійного психолога, обґрунтовано правила поведінки психолога в ситуаціях, коли надання зворотного зв’язку пов’язано з виконанням його професійних обов’язків.The article describes the problems of professional activity of the psychologist and the typology of situations in which the psychologist sends feedback to others (psychotherapy, counseling, group work, diagnostic practice, the end of the study). The article explains the features of such situations, reveals the pattern of influence of feedback from a professional psychologist, and shows the regularities of the psychological changes that determine feedback, settle rules of conduct for a psychologist in situations when giving feedback is associated with the performance of his professional duties. In the professional activities of the psychologist is necessary to provide normative feedback in the context of such situations. They are the following laws: 1. Positive feedback contributes to the affirmation of ideas of the personality about its self, supports a positive self concept, promotes good health, but reduces the criticality of the person. Negative feedback helps in personal researching. 2. The adoption of feedback from a professional psychologist is influenced by such characteristics of the recipient as the level of self-esteem and mood. 3. The establishment of a therapeutic relationship is a logical step in effective professional communication psychologist, provides an optimal context for the exchange of feedback and its adoption, yet it puts a psychologist in the situation of having to solve problems that require creative solutions. 4. In terms of diagnostic surveys and studies, providing feedback is the most optimal and easy communicative process. The law of establishment of psychotherapeutic relationship of participants is a new result in studying professional activity of the psychologist. At the stage of establishment, professional personal feedback is asymmetrical, and in establishing and strengthening contacts it turns symmetric. The phenomenology of this law of asymmetry is an interesting and promising topic for new research.ukзворотний зв’язокпсихотерапіяконсультуваннятестуваннягрупова роботазакон встановлення спільних психотерапевтичних стосунківfeedbackpsychotherapycounselingtestinggroup workthe law of establishment of general psychotherapeutic relationshipsПсихолог у ситуаціях зворотного зв'язкуThe Psychologist in Situations of FeedbackArticle