Martsenyuk, Tamara2015-05-082015-05-082015Martsenyuk T. Gender Issues in Ukraine: Were the EuroMaidan Protests Patriarchal or Egalitarian? / Tamara Martsenyuk // Anti-Gender Movements on the Rise? Strategising for Gender Equality in Central and Eastern Europe / Heinrich Böll Foundation. - [Berlin : Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2015]. - P. 73-81. EuroMaidan protests that took place in Ukraine in 2013–2014 have greatly influenced public opinion, media, and politics. Women actively participated in these events – not just as "supporters" but also as "makers" of revolution. Still, the position of women in Ukrainian society is all but clear. Are there institutional mechanisms for gender equality that allow women to be publicly "visible" – as decision-makers and activists? How has the participation of women in the EuroMaidan protests been viewed? Are revolutions with nationalist themes necessarily patriarchal – or is it possible for women to participate on an equal footing?enEuroMaidanUkraineGender Issues in Ukraine: Were the EuroMaidan Protests Patriarchal or Egalitarian?Article