Meleshevych, Andriy2018-11-012018-11-012016Meleshevych A. Cost of parliamentary politics in Ukraine / Andriy Meleshevych // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. - 2016. - No. 2 : Legal and Political Dimensions of Contemporary Conflicts in Europe. - P. 147-170.2414-9942 objective of this paper is to conduct primary research on the cost of parliamentary politics in Ukraine, the financial implications of running for a seat in the national parliament (Rada), and the cost incurred by an MP once in office. Drawing upon semi-structured interviews with current and former members of the Rada, unsuccessful candidates for these positions, subject matter experts on Ukrainian parliamentary elections, the paper explores the main drivers of the cost of politics in Ukraine.enParliamentary politicselectoral campaign financingelectoral campaign expenditurespolitical party fundingLaw of Ukraine on Political Parties in UkraineLaw of Ukraine on Amending Some Legislative Acts on Preventing and Combating Political CorruptionNational Agency for Prevention of CorruptionarticleCost of parliamentary politics in UkraineArticle