Nezhyvenko, OksanaHanina, Kateryna2021-09-252021-09-252021 purpose of the research is quantitative analysis of the subsidies in Ukrainian agriculture sector to develop policy approaches. This thesis is composed of the introduction, three chapters, conclusions and references. The First Chapter provides a general overview on the conditions of the agriculture sector in Ukraine, illustrates the main indicators and development trends of the sector. The Second Chapter is devoted to a detailed investigation of subsidies, their assignment in Ukrainian agriculture and common effects. It is, in addition, supplemented with international comparisons, using statistical methods, and with investigation of the political side of the state support implementation, considering the case of Ukraine. The Third Chapter presents a detailed study of the regional agricultural production in Ukraine, applying econometric analysis to derive the influence of researched factors and to develop possible policy approaches in subsidizing those factors.enagriculture subsidiesstate supportagriculture sectorregional productioneffects of subsidiesbachelor thesisWelfare effects of the liberalize-and-subsidize policy in Ukrainian agriculture industryЕфекти добробуту від політики лібералізації та субсидування в сільському господарстві УкраїниOther