Marchuk, AntonNesterenko, Oksana2021-09-172021-09-172017Marchuk A. Assessment of the anti-corruption strategy implementation: successes and challenges : policy paper / Anton Marchuk, Oksana Nesterenko ; Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre at National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2017. - 25 p. : ill. purpose of this study was to assess the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2014-2017 and the State Program for its implementation during 2015-2016; identification of problems that remain unresolved or appeared during the implementation of state anti-corruption policy; identification of recommendations for further measures that should be included in the Anti-Corruption Strategy and the State Program (during its annual review) in order to address current issues.enAnti-corruption strategy for 2014-2017State program for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2014-2017 during 2015-2016monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Corruption StrategyAssessmentAnti-Corruption StrategyImplementationAnti-Corruption PolicyTransparencyLegislationCorruptionEffectivenessAssessment of the Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation: Successes and ChallengesОцінка виконання антикорупційної стратегії: досягнення та проблеми : аналітичне дослідженняOther