Gomilko, Olga2018-06-182018-06-182017Gomilko O. Post-totalitarian situation: totalitarian virtualization vs democratic free thinking? / Olga Gomilko // Філософська думка. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 105-111.0235-7941https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13357Post-totalitarian situation is a result of collapse of totalitarian system and establishment of the society of a new type. The post-totalitarian situation reveals general social and cultural tendencies. Hence it’s not peculiar only for the countries, which experienced the dominion of totalitarian regime. Totalitarian utopias, the implementation, dominion and collapse of which characterized 20th century, are the universal projects of human’s development raised and substantiated by the Modern civilization. These Enlightenment projects de monstrate the historical capacity and cultural productivity of social constructivism, which determines the modern Western civilization at large. Therefore collapse of different versions of totalitarianisms - with fascist or communist regimes - is a great lesson for the entire world.enpost-totalitarian discoursepost-totalitarian situationdemocratic thinkingpost-totalitarian countriesthoughtphilosophyarticlePost-totalitarian situation: totalitarian virtualization vs democratic free thinking?Article