Sydorchuk, Oleksii2018-11-012018-11-012017[Kuzio Taras. Putin's War Against Ukraine. North Charleston: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2017. 474 pp.] / reviewed by Oleksii Sydorchuk // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. - 2017. - No. 3 : Special Issue: Civil Society in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine. - P. 201-203.2414-9942 the Ukraine-Russia conflict has attracted significant media attention around the globe, academic research on this topic has been scarce and not always marked by high quality, which is understandable given the complicated and ongoing nature of the conflict. Taras Kuzio’s book Putin’s War Against Ukraine is a welcome effort to present a comprehensive analysis of the causes of the conflicts, its main fault lines and already visible consequences. The book is based on the author’s numerous visits to Ukraine, including to the territories of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) near the frontlines, conversations and interviews with politicians, experts, civic activists, volunteers, soldiers, and ordinary people from various regions of Ukraine, as well as an extensive study of Ukrainian and Western literature and media.enUkraine-Russia conflictwarVladimir Putinconflictsthe Anti-Terrorist OperationreviewTaras Kuzio. Putin's War Against Ukraine. North Charleston: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2017 : [review]Other