Yaroshenko, Tetiana2011-06-052011-06-052011-06-05Yaroshenko Tetiana Oleksandrivna. Open Access to Knowledge in the Modern University [electronic resource] : Ukrainian landscape : IATUL-2011, Warsaw 29th May - 2nd June : [presentation] / Yaroshenko Tetiana. - 43 slides.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1052There are 28 institutional repositories created in Ukraine for the last 3-4 years with total deposits ab.55 000 already, and almost all academic journals in OA now also. Different examples of Ukrainian IRs and OA journals presents. Information about lobbing OA at the state and institutional levels. Open Access to Knowledge Statement (2009). ELibUkrOA – multiuniversity project’ development.enopen accessrepositoriesUkrainescholarshipscientific communicatione-journalsELibUkrEIFLOAвідкритий доступрепозитаріїУкраїнаелектронні журналиOpen Access to Knowledge in the Modern University: Ukrainian landscape: IATUL-2011, Warsaw 29th May - 2nd June: [presentation]Presentation