Булах, Ірина2020-03-062020-03-062019Булах І. С. Особистісний розвиток людини в контексті наукових позицій українських психологів / Булах І. С. // Психологія та психосоціальні інтервенції : науковий журнал. - 2019. - Т. 2. - С. 13-19.2617-2348https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17081https://doi.org/10.18523/2617-2348.2019.2.13-19У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз вихідних наукових положень цілої низки українських учених-психологів, у яких було презентовано змістове наповнення понять "розвиток особистості" та "особистісний розвиток". До певної міри ці поняття сутнісно перемежовуються, але кожне з них має свої відмінні змістові акценти. Узагальнення ідей та наукових позицій учених показало, що поняття "розвиток особистості" досить широке за змістом. Розвиток особистості може бути спонтанним, вільним або цілеспрямованим, врегульованим, мати тенденцію до прогресу або регресу, бути різним за формою (фізичний, соціальний, духовний тощо). Поняття "особистісний розвиток" вужче за обсягом, тоді як за змістовою наповненістю досить глибоке і пов’язане з актуалізацією особистісного компонента людини, з її внутрішніми потенціалами, значною мірою з самосвідомістю особистості та її саморозвитком і самоздійсненням у власному житті.Theoretical analysis of many Ukrainian scientists-psychologists’ basic scientific points, which represented substantial filling of terms "the personality’s development" and "personal development", is committed. To some degree, these terms are meaningfully intercrossed. But each of them has its own different substantial accents. A generalization of ideas and scientists’ points of view showed that the term "the personality’s development" is substantially wide. The personality’s development may be spontaneous, free, or purposeful, regulated, with a progressive or regressive tendency, in different forms (physical, social, spiritual, etc.). The term "personal development" is narrower. At the same time, it is rather deep in meaning and it deals with actualization of the human personal component and its self-development and self-realization in human life. In classic psychological science, the personality’s development is taken in interconnection with the influence of activity and consciousness on it. However, leading scientists in the process of development accented the personality and its activity. The personality appeared simultaneously both as a pre-condition and as a result of activity, self-motion, and self-development. It was a dominant idea that the personality’s development is determined by external circumstances, but nothing in the personality’s development is caused by external influences. The laws of the personality’s developmental are internal laws. Correlation of "external" and "internal" in the personality’s development is interconnected with correlation, interrelation, interinfluence, external conditions, and internal human potentials. The scientists who preferred internal conditions, narrow down the origins of the personality’s development to spontaneity, self-motion, self-development, and self-activity. The main way of the personality’s being is development. In contemporary Ukrainian psychological science, the conception of the personality’s development in interaction, interrelation by means of influence of subject and object, which suppose simultaneity of change and back reaction against each other, is also important. A wide palette in interpretations of origins, the bases of the personality’s development is analyzed. It is proved that a basic phenomenon which activates the personality’s development is the will. "Will" and arbitrariness are the basic reasons of the personality’s self-determination, self-making, and self-development. It is emphasized that personal life crises and possibilities in their resolving cause self-creating of new self-attitudes and attitudes towards other people. Solving of life crises by the personality are the factors that lead to the personality’s self-regulation, self-creation, and self-development. The point of view about subjectivity as the base of the personality’s development is confirmed. This is internal activity, exactly, it is a self-determined activity in the personality’s self-analyzing and self-realization in the life space. Subjective tools of self-analyzing, self-estimating, self-determination, and self-actualization motivate the personality’s development. The point of view is founded that self-regulation as the most important personal quality, which causes quality of management of different personal and changeable human systems, activate self-movement, self-renovation, and restructuring of the human personal world. Self-regulation is a base, the main device of the personality’s development.ukрозвиток особистостіособистісний розвитокстановлення особистостіформування особистостіособистісний підхідсамосвідомістьвільний вибірвчинокстаттяpersonality developmentpersonal developmentpersonality formationpersonal approachself-awarenessfree choiceactОсобистісний розвиток людини в контексті наукових позицій українських психологівHuman Personal Development In The Meaning Of Ukrainian Psychologists’ Points Of ViewArticle