Umantsiv, YuriiNikolaiets, KaterynaLebedeva, LarysaKononenko, Evheniia2022-09-122022-09-122021Developing competition in the Ukrainian mobile communications market / Yurii Umantsiv, Kateryna Nikolaiets, Larysa Lebedeva, Evheniia Kononenko // VUZF review. - 2021. - Vol. 6, Issue 2. - Р. 245-253. - on the study of the mobile market of Ukraine, the main elements of its structure and the degree of intensity of competition between the main actors have been determined. The necessity to take into account several factors that influence coordination capacity of the market and the conditions of collective dominance of the largest subjects of mobile services market have been outlined. The market concentration indicators and their characteristic tendencies have been analyzed, as well as the conditions and nature of the growth of the mobile market in Ukraine at the present stage. The study of the competitive environment has led to the conclusion about the oligopolistic structure of the Ukrainian mobile communications market with prominent leaders such as PJSC "Kyivstar", PJSC "VF Ukraine", LLC "Lifecell". The study results allow to characterize the Ukrainian mobile communications market as favorable for collusion between the largest operators.encompetitionmarket playersmarket coordinationmarket sharearticleDeveloping competition in the Ukrainian mobile communications marketArticle