Busol, Kateryna2025-02-192025-02-192024Busol K. Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law: Beyond Sexual – Reproductive and Obstetric Violence in Russia's Aggression against Ukraine [electronic resource] / Kateryna Busol // Opinio Juris. - 2024. - May 7. - https://opiniojuris.org/2024/06/07/symposium-on-reproductive-violence-in-international-law-beyond-sexual-reproductive-and-obstetric-violence-in-russias-aggression-against-ukraine/2531-69312036-4423https://opiniojuris.org/2024/06/07/symposium-on-reproductive-violence-in-international-law-beyond-sexual-reproductive-and-obstetric-violence-in-russias-aggression-against-ukraine/https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33631This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence inInternational Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Courtand other jurisdictions have responded to violations of reproductive health andreproductive autonomy. The symposium complements a one-day conference to be held on 11 June 2024, in which legal practitioners, scholars, activists, and survivors will meetin The Hague and online to share knowledge and strategies for addressing reproductiveviolence in international criminal law. Interested readers can register to attend theconference online without cost.enreproductive violencereproductive healthinternational criminal lawarticleSymposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law: Beyond Sexual – Reproductive and Obstetric Violence in Russia's Aggression against Ukraine [electronic resource]Article