Ilienko, TetianaTarariko, OleksandrSyrotenko, OleksandrKuchma, Tetyana2020-05-212020-05-212019Merging remote and in-situ land degradation indicators in soil erosion control system / Tetiana Ilienko, Oleksandr Tarariko, Oleksandr Syrotenko, Tetyana Kuchma // FAO. 2019. Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion. - Rome : [s. n.], 2019. - P. 190-195. objectives. To determine the land degradation indicators based on satellite and in-situ data for soil erosion assessing and monitoring. Methods. The logical model of soil erosion detection and assessment is developed, based on the plane and gully erosion identification by merging the high- spatial resolution Earth observation and in-situ data. The Landsat 8, RapidEye, Sentinel 1,2 satellite data, map materials and data of ground observations were used for erosion identification. The plane soil erosion was determined by humus content modelling using soil spectral characteristics, obtained by satellite data. The gully erosion was identified by using the decision tree, based on the land dеgradation indicators. Results. Remote and in-situ indicators of erosion degradation were developed. The gully erosion distribution within the research area was mapped based on the Sentinel 1,2 radar and multispectral data for 2016-2017. The possibility of soil water erosion assessment and classification using regression models is proved. The areas of plane soil erosion were identified by the humus content modeling using regression models of soil spectral characteristics and in-situ data.enland degradationindicatorssatellitein-situ datahumusgullymodellingconference materialsMerging remote and in-situ land degradation indicators in soil erosion control systemConference materials