Bazilo, GannaBosse, Giselle2018-11-012018-11-012017Bazilo G. Talking Peace at the Edge of War: Local Civil Society Narratives and Reconciliation in Eastern Ukraine / Ganna Bazilo, Giselle Bosse // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal. - 2017. - No. 3 : Special Issue: Civil Society in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine. - P. 91-116.2414-9942 organizations. Yet, more and more local civil society organizations (CSOs) are embracing reconciliation as a new agenda in the post-Euromaidan period. In this article, we analyze the role of local Ukrainian CSOs in fostering dialogue and reconciliation in Eastern Ukraine. Research on sub-state actors as legitimate agency in peacebuilding in Eastern Ukraine remains scarce. By drawing on the “everyday peace” perspective, we show that local bottom-up narratives of the conflict differ greatly from the top-down narratives of states and international organizations. Whereas the latter tend to reconfirm the status quo of the conflict or the (neo-) liberal economic approach to peace, local CSOs promote “rehumanizing the other,” which constitutes a quintessential process in achieving sustainable peace in Eastern Ukraine.enUkraineconflictreconciliation and dialoguecivil societypeace narrativesarticleTalking Peace at the Edge of War: Local Civil Society Narratives and Reconciliation in Eastern UkraineArticle