Petrov, Roman2010-05-052010-05-052007Petrov R. The External Dimension of the Acquis Communautaire / Roman Petrov // EUI Working Papers MWP. - 2007. - No. 02. - P. 1-30. aim of this article is to study the concept of the acquis communautaire in the domain of EU external relations. It is argued that the acquis communautaire varies according to the specific aims of its internal and external applications. The main objective of the acquis communautaire in its internal dimension is to enable the consistent development of the EU while preserving EC/EU patrimony by Member States. The objective of the acquis communautaire application in its external dimension is to push third countries to the forefront of the acquired level of economic, political and legal cooperation achieved by the EU. It is argued that the acquis communautaire is applied consistently in its external dimension, but mirrors the specific objectives of each new application. In order to comprehend the full scope of the application of the acquis communautaire, one must take into consideration both the general objectives of EU external policy towards third countries.enacquis communautaireEuropean lawfundamental/human rightsharmonisationinternational agreementsEU-East-Central Europesecurity/externalThe External Dimension of the Acquis CommunautaireArticle