Kvit, Serhii2022-06-232022-06-232021Kvit S. The Battle for History and Building of Identity: Fake News confronts Professional News [electronic resourse] / Serhiy Kvit // StopFake.org. - 2021. - 23 October. - https://www.stopfake.org/en/the-battle-for-history-and-building-of-identity-fake-news-confronts-professional-newshttps://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23134Western expert community does not seem critical enough towards the phenomenon of Russian imperialism. Here, one should mention the strong traditions of Russo/Sovietphilia, which are often based on dirty Russian money, an interest in the Byzantine tradition, love of Russian ballet, in particular the music of Ukrainian Petro Tchaikovskyi, Russian literature, in particular the works of Ukrainian Mykola Gogol, and approval of Putinism as a special civilizational path. The "battle for history" thesis (fundamental to the politics of memory) is unacceptable to professional historians because its subjective approach diverges from their prime task of searching for and understanding the truth. At the same time, one cannot deny that the historical agenda has become extremely media-oriented and even news-based. That is, from some point of view, interpretations of history can be seen as matters of concern to society on par with current domestic problems that directly affect quality of life.enidentityinterpretations of historyhistorical mythologyUkrainebanning the Ukrainian languageUkrainian nationRussian propaganda machineRusso/Soviet-philiaarticleThe Battle for History and Building of Identity: Fake News confronts Professional News [electronic resourse]Article