Brogi, Giovanna2020-01-142020-01-142019Brogi G. Siedina, Giovanna. Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics (17th – First Half of the 18th Centuries). Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2017 [electronic resource] / reviewed by Giovanna Brogi // Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. - 2019. - Issue 6. - P. 217-221. on Giovanna Siedina's book "Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics (17th – First Half of the 18th Centuries). Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2017.enEarly Modern Ukrainian cultureMohylanian poeticsBaroqueMohylanian SchoolHoraceChristianliteraturereviewSiedina, Giovanna. Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics (17th – First Half of the 18th Centuries). Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2017Article