Chala, Nina2021-12-102021-12-102021Chala N. Decentralisation and Local Self-government in Eastern Partnership countries : EaP CSF COVID-19 policy paper / Nina Chala ; with contribution of Oleksandra Drabyk : peer review: Denis Cenusa. - Brussels : Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, 2021. - 44 p. policy paper analyses the implementation of the European Principles of Decentralisation in the Eastern Partnership countries. The focus here is on the following aspects: 1) transparency of decision-making; 2) the development of digital services; 3) the availability of digital community information; 4) the participation of civil society in decision-making and; 5) the level of decentralisation of local budgets. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the challenges COVID19 poses to local self-government.endecentralisationlocal budgetsCOVID-19civil societypolicy paperDecentralisation and Local Self-government in Eastern Partnership countriesOther