Данченко, Марія2016-08-292016-08-292016Данченко М. Л. Витоки німецької літературної казки рококо в першій половині XVIII ст. / Данченко М. Л. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. - 2016. - Т. 179 : Теорія та історія культури. - С. 64-67.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9372This article focuses on the issue of genesis of rococo in German fictional literature. The writings of poet Friedrich von Hagedorn (1708–1754) were used as the source material. The author sustained the major influences of foreign literary traditions, mainly those by England and France, thus his major composition "Fables and Fairy Tales" is attributed by literary experts as an intertextual phenomenon. The goal of the following piece of research was to explore the foreign influences on Friedrich von Hagedorn’s works, and to evaluate the extent to which German rocaille poetry was or was not dependant on the French tradition. The outcome of this research reveals a crucial influence of Jean de La Fontaine’s fables on Friedrich von Hagedorn, yet no evidence has been discovered either in his fictional writings or in private correspondence, which would testify to the fact of his acquaintance with the writings of his French contemporaries, such as Jean-Baptiste Gresset, Claude Crebillion, or Charles-Louis de Montesquieu, in spite of multiple citations from the older French authors of the second half of the 17th century. The possibility of their influence on Friedrich von Hagedorn is an extremely important issue, because in one of his tales, entitled "Der Papagey" (The parrot) published in 1738, the German writer used the plot and stylistics of the fabulous "Vert-Vert" by Jean-Baptiste Gresset, published in France in 1734. Yet Friedrich von Hagedorn integrated this plot into a small verse and entirely changed the end of the story, having preserved only a gallant and eloquent parrot, who makes his court career, as protagonist. Another argument in favour of the independent stylistic development of Rococo tendencies in Friedrich’s von Hagedorn writings is his definition of the fable as something which was an establishment of the "old magic times," which definition was the same as that by Marie l’Heritière de Villandon, the first writer of rocaille fairy tales. To conclude, there is no evidence of the direct French influence on Friedrich von Hagedorn found.Статтю присвячено дослідженню німецького літературного рококо в першій половині ХVIII ст. на прикладі творчості ліричного поета Фрідріха фон Хагедорна. Обґрунтовано твердження про відсутність у нього прямих стилістичних запозичень у французьких письменників-сучасників. Досліджено вплив французьких авторів другої половини XVII ст. Оцінено роль доробку окремих німецьких літературознавців з погляду атрибуції творчості Фрідріха фон Хагедорна як поета німецького рококо.ukФрідріх фон Хагедорннімецьке рококолітературна казкаЖан де ЛафонтенстаттяFriedrich von HagedornGerman rococoliterary fairy taleJean de La FontaineВитоки німецької літературної казки рококо в першій половині XVIII ст.Rococo in German Literary Fairy Tale in the First Half of the 18th CenturyArticle