Petrov, RomanBernatskyi, Bohdan2021-10-192021-10-192020Petrov R. Response to COVID-19 in Ukraine: Legal Pragmatism or Constitutional Outbreak? [electronic resource] / Roman Petrov, Bohdan Bernatskyi // Verfassungsblog. - 2020. - 27 April. - [no pag.]. March 2020 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament of Ukraine) joined the global fight against COVID-19. It held several plenary sessions and amended certain legislative acts: Law No. 3219 (providing a simplified procedure to purchase services and works to fight COVID-19, doubled reward for medical workers, regulated IDPs registration procedure, imposed fines for leaving observation, etc.); Law No. 3220 (on taxation policy during the quarantine; amended law "On the protection of the population from infectious diseases" – clarified the terms of self-isolation, observation, specialized hospitals, processing personal data for health protection purpose does not require consent); Law No. 2538 (specified procedure of purchasing and registration of drugs); Law No. 3268 (on the application of foreign medical protocols to treat COVID-19); Law No. 3276 (extended procedural terms and specified online court sittings, except for criminal cases), and other legal bills. Despite eight Ukrainian MPs have confirmed COVID-19 cases, the work of the Parliament of Ukraine has not been halted.enCOVID-19Ukrainian GovernmentConstitutional OutbreakarticleResponse to COVID-19 in Ukraine: Legal Pragmatism or Constitutional Outbreak?Article