Rudenko, A.Pikus, P.Reshetnik, Y.2021-10-262021-10-262021Pikus P. O. Treatment of acute pancreatitis in rats using MSCs of the human umbillical cord / P. O. Pikus, A. V. Rudenko, Y. M. Reshetnik // Biopolymers and Cell. - 2021. - Vol. 37, № 3. - P. 243.0233-76571993-6842 no effective therapies for AP. MSCs can be a potential candidate for the treatment of this disease due to their immunomodulatory properties. There are the results of a study about the treatment of acute pancreatitis in rats using MSCs of the human umbilical cord.enAcute pancreatitisTreatmentMSCResults of researchconference materialsTreatment of acute pancreatitis in rats using MSCs of the human umbillical cordConference materials