Кирилюк, Ольга2018-11-052018-11-052018Кирилюк О. Л. Суспільно-політичні неологізми як віддзеркалення мовної картини воєнного протистояння / Ольга Кирилюк // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 58-62.2617-2615https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14602https://doi.org/10.18523/2616-8502.2018.58-62У статті здійснено дослідження неологізмів та оказіоналізмів, утворених на фоні воєнного протистояння на Сході України. Визначено оцінні, семантичні та функціональні особливості досліджуваної групи лексем; з’ясовано роль екстралінгвальних чинників у формуванні неологізмів і оказіоналізмів суспільно-політичного і воєнного змісту; виявлено причини набування новою лексикою позитивних та негативних конотацій.Background. Political, cultural and military confrontation in Ukraine in recent years has led to the emergence of a significant number of neologisms and phraseologisms, which reflect the level of evaluation by the speakers of the observed situation. The study of such words is relevant from the standpoint of intraand extralinguistic peculiarities. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the evaluation aspect of the creation and active functioning of social and political neologisms and occasionalisms. Methods. The method of direct observation, which helped to identify the main extralinguistic factors of the discourse of military confrontation. Contextual-interpretative and descriptive methods provided an opportunity to identify lexemes used to express the evaluative attitude to the opponent, and to make a description of them. Results. The linguistic units under study can be conditionally divided into artificial and reflexive. Artificial innovations are lexemes that are introduced into public speech with official propaganda in order to form an appropriate assessment for certain events or individuals. They are imposed on society through the strong media support. The names of this group include the following lexemes: fascists, banderivtsi, Natsyky (National Guard), karateli (punishers), polite people. Reflexive innovations appear due to the natural reaction of the speakers, which are distributed predominantly through the Internet and have no additional “informational propagation” through the media. They include the following names: kuliavlob, porebryk, vatnyk, pravosek, leninopad, separ, Lugandon, okupendum, little green men, etc. Discussion. The use of linguistic units as one of the means of inflaming social tension is a prominent phenomenon in Ukraine from the end of 2013 to the present day; language actively reacts to political processes with the appearance of a significant number of neologisms and occasionalisms, as well as an increased quantity of lexical meanings of ready-made nominative units.ukнеологізмиоказіоналізмивнутрішня семантикапейоративимеліоративистаттяlinguistic image of the worldneologismsoccasionalismsinternal semanticspejorativesmeliorativesСуспільно-політичні неологізми як віддзеркалення мовної картини воєнного протистоянняSocial and political neologisms as the reflection of the language of military confrontationArticle