Dzhulay, Jurij2009-09-282009-09-282007Dzhulay Ju. How is it possible to overcome relativism? Some models for answers in transcendental tradition : [preprint] the article the author gives consideration of two models from the experience of overcoming relativism as a worldview by transcendental philosophy, the experience of which is especially distinctive in criticism of culture - relativism. The first model, "postantinomical systematicness" is built by I. Kant on the notion structural features of experience types (cognition, judgment ability, morality and norms). Intellectual discipline corresponding to the structure of each experience types served here as an antithesis to relativism. After the solution of antinomies, human intellectual discipline has become an even more methodical, co-ordinated and sensible general strategy of human existence in the world. The second model of "communicative guarantees" shows how K.-O. Apel's arguments for transcendental pragmatics are transformed into the criticism of deformed or reduced forms of rationality dictated under the modern conditions.enphilosophyrelativismtranscendental philosophyI. KantK.-O. ApelarticleHow is it possible to overcome relativism? Some models for answers in transcendental tradition : [preprint]Article