Підкуймуха, Людмила2018-06-062018-06-062017Підкуймуха Л. Семантико-функціональний потенціал фразеологізмів у текстах письменників літературного угруповання "Дванадцятка" / Л. М. Підкуймуха // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія. - Маріуполь, 2017. - Вип. 17. - P. 231-238.2415-31682226-3055https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13223Статтю присвячено дослідженню фразеологізмів у літературних текстах угруповання "Дванадцятка". Проаналізовано вибрані фразеологічні одиниці та з’ясовано специфіку їхньої семантики й особливості функціонування, схарактеризовано стилістику фразеологізмів-жаргонізмів.Phraseology as an exponent of ethnic and cultural information has an important role in the language world picture of every nation. The phraseological material in the prose of Lviv writers concerning the semantics and functional peculiarities are examined in this article. The research based on texts by Ivan Kernytskyi, Bohdan Nyzhankivskyi and Zenon Tarnavskyi who belonged to the literary group "Twelve" has been carried out. Their texts have not been an object of the previous researches. Moreover, the phraseological units of Lviv koine need to be investigated. Colloquial phraseological units are an important component of the plot's development. These word combinations help writers to describe various phenomena, the life of interwar city; to give convincing characterization of the main characters; to enhance the expressiveness of the statement, etc. The active processes of interlingual interference were a characteristic feature of the Western Ukrainian language environment at the beginning of the twentieth century. That is why there appeared borrowings from Polish and German languages in the phraseological system of the Western region variety of the standard Ukrainian language. In addition, the phraseological units of batyar jargon have been analyzed, special features of their semantics and function have been found out. Batyar jargon was one of the variants of colloquial speech in interwar Lviv. In this research special attention has been paid to the phrasemes of batyar jargon as linguistic and psychological characteristics of the characters. Because of the Soviet language policy, which included control over the structure of the Ukrainian language, some phraseological units were replaced or removed from the second edition of the novels by B. Nyzhankivskyi. As phrasemes were an integral part of the texts, their removing caused loss of expression and a sense of reality. Moreover, the phraseological units of school jargon have been analyzed. It helped to describe school environment more accurately. Thus, the functions of phrasemes, their stylistic properties have been investigated. Phraseological units in the texts by the members of the literary group "Twelve" are an integral part of the texts and speech of the characters. Moreover, these phrasemes have complemented the composition of the Lviv koine.ukфразеологізмфразеологічна одиницясемантиказахідноукраїнський варіант літературної мовильвівське койнефразеологізм-жаргонізмстаттяphraseologyphraseological unitsemanticsWestern Region Variety of the Standard Ukrainian LanguageLviv koinestylistic functionСемантико-функціональний потенціал фразеологізмів у текстах письменників літературного угруповання "Дванадцятка"The semantic-functional potential of phrazeological units in the texts by the writers of the literary group "Twelve"Article