Maksymchuk, Olha2013-09-102013-09-102012Maksymchuk Olha. The Topos of the Missing Beloved in Ioan Maksymovych’s "The Virgin Mother of God" / Olha Maksymchuk // Spheres of Culture / Maria Curie-Sklodovska University in Lublin. – 2012. – Vol. 2. – P. 28–35. purpose of the paper is to investigate the reception of topos of the missing beloved in the poem "The Virgin Mother of God" written by Ioan Maksymovych. The topos is characterized by the combination of images from the Song of Songs with the motif of Christ’s Passion, which can also be noticed in other Ukrainian poetical texts written in the XVII and XVIII Centuries. Moreover, the apocryphal motif of the lament of the Mother of God has an influence on the stylistics of the topos.enSong of Songs, topos, the Baroque poetry, motif of Passion, MariologyThe Topos of the Missing Beloved in Ioan Maksymovych's "The Virgin Mother of God"Article