Глибовець, МиколаНікулін, Дмитро2022-01-222022-01-222021https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22408This paper describes the IR Multimedia Systems, their subjects, issues, and the possible solution to address those issues. Firstly, it provides the overview and comparison of IR Multimedia Systems such as Google Photo, Mylio, and digiKam that are used as IR Multimedia Systems for private purposes. Further, it identifies the issues in the mentioned systems. Then, it provides the description for the solution in form of software architecture and proposes a definition of project to address those issues. It also describes the integration of an IR Multimedia System with the proposed solution. The paper ends up with a conclusion, a glossary and references list.enIR Multimedia SystemsMultimedia Dataмагістерська роботаРозробка системи автоматизованого збагачення зображення мета інформацією для подальшого використання в пошукових системахOther